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    High Purity Gas

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    sulfur dioxide

    Product classification: Sulfur dioxide
    Chinese name: Sulfur dioxide
    Chemical formula: SO ₂
    Molecular weight: 64.0638
    Concentration: 99.9%
    Packaging specifications: 4L, 8L, 40L
    CAS login number: 7446-09-5

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    Product Details

    Gas Description

    Sulfur dioxide (chemical formula SO2) is the most common, simplest, and irritating sulfur oxide. One of the main atmospheric pollutants. When a volcano erupts, it emits this gas and produces sulfur dioxide in many industrial processes. Due to the fact that coal and petroleum usually contain sulfur, sulfur dioxide is generated during combustion. When sulfur dioxide dissolves in water, it forms sulfite. If sulfite is further oxidized in the presence of PM2.5, it will quickly and efficiently generate sulfuric acid (the main component of acid rain). This is one of the reasons for concerns about the environmental effects of using these fuels as energy.

    On October 27, 2017, the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization released a preliminary list of carcinogens for reference, with sulfur dioxide listed as a Class 3 carcinogen.

    Main uses

    1. Used as an organic solvent and refrigerant, and for refining various lubricating oils.

    2. Mainly used for the production of sulfur trioxide, sulfuric acid, sulfite, thiosulfate, and also used as fumigants, preservatives, disinfectants, reducing agents, etc.

    3. Sulfur dioxide is a reducing bleaching agent allowed in China. It has a bleaching effect on food and a strong inhibitory effect on oxidase in plant-based foods. According to Chinese regulations, it can be used for wine and fruit wine, with a maximum usage of 0.25g/kg and a maximum residue of 0.05g/kg.

    4. Industrial sectors such as pesticides, synthetic fibers, and dyes.

    5. Used for producing sulfur and as insecticides and fungicides.